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Walnut street

Products with a special atmosphere, look past the Walnut Street and be inspired.

Walnut street is started by a danish couple who has return to Denmark after a international career in the furniture and design industry. Walnut street is a scandinavian distributor of a range of innovative design companies from London, New York, Paris and Milano. The products of these companies have already brought a lot of attention in trendsetting international media and blogs. Now they are to be shown in Denmark.mark.

Tight, quirky – and with a special atmosphere

“The products are of different types – some are for everyday use and design products for adults, others are products for children, and some fall somewhere in the intersection between children and adults. But they all have a special atmosphere about it: There’s obviously thought about the design there is quality of execution, and there is like a special combination of the quirky and tight. It appeals directly to us – and we can see that it also resonates among design-conscious Danes, “says Christian Egly from Walnut Street.

Looking for new distributors
Walnut street wants to get in touch with potential distributors that matches the high-quality products and design profile. “We have already seen great interest from consumers, “says Christian Egly,” so now it’s just about finding partners who can bring products to the correct design interested audience. ”

Walnut Street
Nørre Alle 24
7100 Vejle
T: 22506400

Design Nyheder / Hjemmet / Køkken / Møbler / Soveværelse walnut /

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