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Common design front makes strong

At the upcoming Formland Upgraded exhibition in Herning, seven danish design companies have come together in a joint exhibition stand at the fair. The seven companies; Base 212, Bagus, Hoptimist, Propaganda, Nicolaj, Novoform og Mette Ditmer have come together to give the visitors more inspiration and signaling strong ground in the Danish design and lifestyle industry.

“Our products match each other, and together we can give our customers even more inspiration. We represent a broad mix of design and lifestyle products, which together create a stronger expression and good dynamics. Today, fairs is about providing customers with as much experience as possible. We will surprise and inspire so that customers can take home and give inspiration to their customers” – says Mette Ditmer the designer and founder behind the company Mette Ditmer.

The joint exhibition isn’t just about the design news in the different companies. It’s also about getting together, hear some live music, drink a cup of coffee and just lay back and relax. This is the seven companies bid on an exhibition stand.

“Especially doing the long period of international economical crises there has been this tendency to thinks very selfish. We want to show that a cooperation is possible after all and that you can get strong by corporate.” – says the designer Nicolaj Lund Jensen who runs the designcompani Nicolaj.

The seven companies exhibit in a joint stand at the “LiveitUP”-area at the upcoming Formland.

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