- karsten

New Georg Jensen CEO

Ulrik Garde Due to become CEO of Georg Jensen as per November 1, 2007.

Ulrik Garde Due (44 ), who was born in Denmark, is Senior Vice President of International Sales, Burberry and since 1998 he has been a member of the Burberry Management Team responsible for the re-launch of the brand and transformation of Burberry into one of the most successful luxury brands in the world and a financial success.

Ulrik Garde Due has considerable international experience including positions with the international luxury fashion brands Celine/LVMH and Cerruti and has been based in Tokyo, Paris and New York. Furthermore, Ulrik Garde Due has a background within Shipping and diplomacy. Lars Nørby Johansen, Chairman of the Georg Jensen Board of Directors, states: ”Ulrik Garde Due is a highly respected international profile with in-depth knowledge of the international luxury business and an invaluable extensive global network. This, combined with his achieved financial results and flair for operational excellence, makes him the right person to lead Georg Jensen through the next tough phase, where the many good initiatives initiated in recent years must be realised.” Lars Nørby Johansen stresses that the overall strategy to transform Georg Jensen into an international luxury brand remains unchanged. Georg Jensen will continue as a serious player in the luxury goods market – without loosing what makes the company special: the Scandinavian legacy, the renowned tradition of high quality craftsmanship and the unique design language. Georg Jensen is showing some good signs but getting it right is still a challenge and the Board felt the need to introduce new competences to meet those challenges and to ensure a focussed and consequent execution of the strategy and fulfil targets both brand wise and financially.

Lars Nørby Johansen continues:
”I would like to thank Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard for skilfully setting Georg Jensen on the right track – with the international luxury market as the final destination. With both dedication and professionalism, Hans- Kristian Hoejsgaard has initiated the globalisation of the Georg Jensen mindset. But it is time for new competences which can lead Georg Jensen through the final part of the journey to success. By mutual agreement Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard will leave Georg Jensen July 31, 2007.

Business News chair / denmark / design / Georg Jensen / new /

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