- karsten

Stylish designer home – for birds

Why not live in a minimalist designer home designed by two of the world’s leading designers. Built from white-glazed ceramics the home offers elegance and style from top to bottom. The entrance has been specially designed to meet your requirements – views of green open spaces guaranteed. Your new designer home is ready for occupation – as long as you are a garden bird.

The designer team behind the Eva Solo products has seriously taken outdoor life under its wings. They have created a designer nesting box. According to Jette Lykke Kamstrup, Marketing Manager at Eva Denmark, there is logic to the winged ideas for outdoor life. Our requirements for quality design started moving from our living rooms and out into the garden long ago.

“2006 was the year when we seriously started spending more time eating, entertaining and enjoying life outdoors. In 2007, this trend will continue with outdoor kitchens and sleeping under the stars. And there has to be an element of style with everything. This growing interest in outdoor living means that garden design has now become as important as that indoors. Products have to be both beautiful and functional,” says Jette Lykke Kamstrup, Marketing Manager at Eva Denmark.

This elegant Eva Solo bird box has been created for design-conscious individuals who believe that nothing is too good for the winged visitors to our gardens. The nesting box is made of white-glazed terracotta and black plastic, which protects the little home from wind and rain. Moreover, the combination of white glaze and terracotta means the nesting box reflects heat, protecting the chicks from overheating at the height of summer. Thanks to the shiny sides and the lid’s special closing mechanism, cats and other inquisitive predators really face a problem with this little nesting box.


Choice of front door for your favourite bird
The nesting box entrance makes it possible to choose which bird species you want making itself at home. The nesting box has been designed with changeable entrance holes in four different sizes to match different sized birds. Select the size of entrance that matches your favourite bird, whether it is a blue tit, great titmouse, tree sparrow or wren. This stylish home has also been fitted with an internal ladder so chicks that are ready to leave the nest can safely make their way from the bottom of the nest and out into the open. The materials chosen mean that the nesting box is easy to clean so that it is ready every year for a new family or bird species. Whether you prefer long warbles or lively chirps, the nesting box gives you the chance to follow life in the garden at close quarters. Right from when the first whistles of spring can be
heard in the white nesting box until the chicks leave the nest and probably start searching for their own stylish designer homes.

The Eva Solo nesting box is made of white-glazed ceramic and black plastic. The nesting box can be fitted using nails or the accompanying fixture. The four accompanying holes have the following sizes: 28 mm for Blue Tits, 32 mm for Great Titmice, 35 mm for House Sparrows/Tree Sparrows, and 38 mm for Wrens

Formland Spring 2007 / Outdoor denmark / design / Designerne / Køkken / new / Outdoor /

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